weighted graph

英 [ˈweɪtɪd ɡræf] 美 [ˈweɪtɪd ɡræf]

网络  带权图; 加权图; 赋权图; 权图; 加权有向图



  1. In this thesis, grid partitioning is converted to an unoriented and weighted graph, on which partitioning algorithm is studied.
  2. Based on the software architecture, proposed weighted graph based evaluation model for complexity, with an example to be analyzed and explained how to use the model.
  3. Firstly, a weighted completed graph is constructed for each point set;
  4. The two algorithms for finding the minimal spanning tree of an undirected weighted graph are PRIM algorithm and KRUSKAL algorithm.
  5. In this paper explore how to use spectral methods of geometry structural graph for analyzing facial expression and clustering in the pattern-space. Use the leading eigenvectors of the weighted graph adjacency matrix to define eigenmodes of the adjacency matrix.
  6. Simulated annealing algorithm for K-vertex-connected augmentation on the arbitrary undirected weighted graph
  7. Secondly, given the shortest time limit, construct the bipartite weighted graph and use the minimum weighted assignment algorithm to get the solution.
  8. Spatio-Temporal Data Model in Cadastral Information System Based on Weighted Graph
  9. In Chapter 3, we prove that: Suppose G is a k-connected weighted graph which satisfies the following conditions: ( 1) The weighted degree sum of any k+ 1 pairwise nonadjacent vertices is at least m;
  10. A New Solution to the Shortest Path Problem of Weighted Graph
  11. Analysis of Structure and Algorithms of the Gravity Center on a Complete Weighted Graph
  12. A Decomposition Method for Object-Oriented Systems Based on Iterative Analysis of the Directed Weighted Graph
  13. The surface painting of rotor and the place of optoelectronic sensors were analyzed, the commuting strategy can be attained and therefore the spherical stepper can be controlled to achieve the expected trajectory according to the algorithm of the weighted graph and the signal feedback from optoelectronic sensors.
  14. This paper presents the directed weighted graph of semijoin in order to optimize semijoin execution plan. Furthermore, the fast and effective optimization algorithm is presented in order to produce optimum semijoin execution plan based on directed weighted graph of semijoin.
  15. An algorithm is presented, uses the algorithm to transform the model into the weighted graph, and constructs the linking matrix.
  16. An approximation algorithm is presented for augmenting an undirected weighted graph to a K-edge-connected graph. The algorithm is useful for designing a realizable network.
  17. Discussions about the Two Algorithms for Finding the Minimal Spanning Tree of an Undirected Weighted Graph
  18. The control ofa permanent magnet spherical stepper motor based on weighted graph
  19. The surface painting of rotor and the place of optoelectronic sensors, and then a weighted graph is given according to the structural characteristics and kinetics characteristics of the stepper.
  20. After analyzing the existing identification algorithms, the paper proposed Iterative analysis algorithms based on the Directed weighted graph for Domain Component Identification ( IADCI);
  21. A motion control algorithm based on the weighted graph is presented, by which the path planning can be completed and the spherical motor can be controlled to achieve the expected trajectory.
  22. In the article, the hypertext system is regarded as a weighted graph and the composite association rule mining method is proposed after the redefinition of the confidence and support.
  23. And then the control method based on weighted graph was presented.
  24. The typical Dijkstra algorithm is used to solve the shortest path of single source point in weighted graph, and is not able to solve the above model directly.
  25. Simulation results showed that the Petri net method is efficient to calculate the maximum flow of the weighted graph.
  26. Finally, the definition of high connectivity graph was extended to be used in undirected weighted graph, and was taken as termination criteria for graph partitioning.
  27. As a result, a video can be seen as a weighted graph in a high-dimensional space, in which the classical graph theory can be applied.
  28. By modeling the memory hierarchy as a weighted graph, our method is applicable to any software-managed memory hierarchy organization.
  29. It trains semi-machine learning algorithm in a weighted graph made up of labeled and unlabeled web pages. It makes full use of the information of the unlabeled pages.
  30. And generate a directed weighted graph, intuitive picture of the world arms trade situation. 3.